Secondary Flow Path Design
Vídeo tutoriales
Los siguientes videos ilustran la funcionalidad general de CFturbo. En 10 minutos se muestra el proceso desde la especificación del punto de diseño hasta la simulación CFD para diferentes aplicaciones.

Estos vídeos actualizan de forma contínua, por lo que se añadirán nuevos vídeos regularmente.
Reverse Engineering of a Centrifugal Pump Impeller with Inducer
Reverse Engineering of Mixed Flow Pump Impeller
Reverse Engineering of Centrifugal Compressor Impeller
Reverse Engineering of Axial Compressor Stage
Hydraulic Design and Optimization of Multistage Pumps
Conceptual Design of a Compressor for R134a
Axial Compressor Aerodynamic Rotor Design
Design of a Centrifugal Compressor
Design of an Axial, Single Stage Turbine
Design of a Cryogenic Rocket Turbopump
Design of an Axial, Contra-rotating Fan
Design and Simulation of an Axial Pump
Design of an Axial Low-Pressure Fan
Waste Water Pump Design
Mixed-Flow Bowl Diffuser Pump Design
Centrifugal Pump Design and Simulation